sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2013

Stardoll itens

Free Barbie Summer 12
-If you are from UK - Log in and Join the club by clicking HERE and Visit a link HERE
-If you don't live in UK, Follow these steps 
1)Go to UK proxy site like -
2)Paste this club link in the Web Address/http bar on the proxy
3)Click Go or Press Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
You should be automatically joined to the club --in case you aren't:
Refresh the club page OR Open a new tab, Close the proxy, and Go again to proxy and re-follow the steps
5)Now on proxy's Address bar Paste this link:
6)ClickGo or Press Enter
7)You will be redirected to page, Wait till it loads
8)Close/Leave the proxy and Go to stardoll as usual
Sunglasses should be in giftbox and Earrings in a Barbie bag your suite

Free BBC Strictly
If you are from UK - Join a club HERE and you get all 5 items [:
If you aren't from UK, Follow these steps:
1)Go to an UK proxy like:
2)Paste stardoll link in the Web Address/http bar on the proxy
3)Click Go or Press Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxy's Address link bar Paste this club link:
You should be automatically joined to the club --in case you aren't:
Refresh OR Open a new tab, Close the proxy, and Re-follow the steps
6)When you you see an option to leave club (in meaning that you are joined) you can Leave the proxy.
All five items should be in a Starplaza box in your suite  

Free KatyPerry Sofa
Free Katy Perry Part of Me Sofa
-If you live in the UK - Log in and Visit a FB page by clicking HERE.
-If you don't live in the UK - Follow these steps:
1)Go to a UK proxy like
2)Paste stardoll link into the blank box of the proxysite
3)Click Go or Press Enter on your keyboard
4)Log in Stardoll
5)Now Paste this link into the proxy's "URL:" box
6)Click Go or Press Enter on your keyboard
You now may be redirected to FB page Or a white page with nothing on
7)Leave it and Go to Stardoll as usual.
Sofa should be in a Katy Perry bag in your suite [: 

Free Sticker Stylist Shoes

1. Log in to Stardoll
2. Go to this page:
3. Scroll down and on the -Enter your Gift Code- section, paste this code:
4. Click the Redeem button
The shoes should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite :) 

Free ATBR Gift Jacket

~If you are from Turkey- Log in and Click HERE.
~ If you're not from Turkey - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Turkish proxy like
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or Hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now Paste the link below to the upper box of the proxysite
6. Click Go or Hit Enter on keyboard
7. Wait till page loads. You should be redirected to Zil Çalınca page (or blank page)
8. You can now leave the proxy and Go to Stardoll as usual.
The jacket should be in a Zil Çalınca bag in your suite. :)

Free Joon

~If your are from USA- Log in and click HERE.
~If you're not from USA - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a USA proxy like:
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go/Surf or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log in to Stardoll
5. Wait till page loads
6. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The bottle should be in a Joon bag in your suite. :) 

Free Joon Girl

~ If your are from USA- Log in and click HERE.
~If you're not from USA- Follow these steps:
1. Go to a USA proxy like:
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go/Surf or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log in to Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the blank box of the proxysite
6. Click Go/Surf or just hit Enter on your keyboard
7. You should be redirected to the Joon page, wait till it fully loads.
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The pillow should be in a Joon bag in your suite. :)

Free Boomerang Girf Jacket

~ If you are from Brazil - Log in and join a club by clicking HERE.
~ If you're not from Brazil - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Brazilian proxy like:
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Wait till page loads. You should automatically join the club.
6. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The jacket should be in a Pretty Little Liars bag in your suite. :)

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